Friday, March 27, 2009

a reservoir walk

so this is my attempt to take pictures of every little thing that i see when i walk around the res and say to myself, "remember that one - that's a good one. dandelions, dandelions, dandelions..." in order and then some.

and i did not stage this, only saw it, was horrified and then not quite sure what to think...

yes, it's a teeny tiny baby bird egg. or what would have been a baby bird, one day.

silverlake, los angeles
mar 26


Anonymous said...

Wow! Beautiful pics Mac!

Besos Guey said...

You never know, Mac, that could've grown up to be another George W Bush! I guess what I'm trying to say is that our interpretations do not always represent the truth of the nature's plan. Snakes, after all, do come from eggs...

Nice pics.